Dow Jones Industrial Average fell from the height of 12,876 since May, in its sixth consecutive week, down to 11,951 on 10 June 2011 – its worst streak since 2002. Economist Martin Feldstein argues that the expected 2nd Quantitative Easing (QE2), hinted by Ben Bernanke in August 2010 and announced on the 3rd Nov 2010, […]
A day out in Greenwich
It was a beautiful sunny weekend, a good friend of mine invited me to spend a day-out in Greenwich. We went to the National Maritime Museum, Sir Christopher Wren’s Old Royal Naval College, after a long stroll uphill (without the need of oxygen masks) we reached the Royal Observatory. Unfortunately to visit the Meridian Line is now a […]
Old Look vs New Look
It’s been almost two years since I set up this wordpress blog. I thought its about time to give it a fresh look. So I downloaded the Evolve Theme for wordpress. It is a nice template with customisable header logo and image, J-Query headline articles rotation with thumbnails, flexible user defined number of columns layout (I use […]
The headline that speaks for itself
Photos – The British Museum
Some great photos from the British Museum. An excellent piece of free software called Hugin helped me to stitch some of the photos together to produce panoramic views.
Doctor Who – A Christmas Carol 2010 – Ed
Having his past timeline altered and was shown his own past, present and future by the Doctor and Amy, Kazran had to confront a hard moral choice – he could either let a starliner to crash land and the 4003 passengers on board would perish, or he could choose – as a redemption – […]