I have been a proud owner of an INQ Mini 3G phone for about 6 months. It is easily the best small 3G handset that I have ever used. It has social networking features jam-packed inside (Facebook, Twitter, MSN, Yahoo, Bebo, Google, Skype), plus all the standard 3G handset feature such as HSPDA 3G web […]
An Old Photo from St Bees.
I found this old photo from an album sitting in my cupboard gathering dust. It was a view of St. Bees village in St. Bees, Cumbria, taken from Abbots Court as the vantage point. The photo was not dated but my guess it was around 1986.
US Crude Oil Price: 1 August – 31 August
Oil price slumped over August, sliding from around USD $83 at the beginning of August, to USD $71.74 at the closing of the month. It seems that a weak demand in stocks and commodities throughout August was the leading cause for a bearish downtrend to the overall market sentiment. Reassurance by Ben Bernanke’s speech given on 27 August […]
Doctor Who – The Big Bang – Dr Who says
An emotionally charged scene where the mortally wounded Dr. Who explained in his final words to Amy Pond – as to why he was about to sacrifice himself to save the dying universe, and chose her to be the companion of his exciting journey which was about to end. Completely epic and definitely a […]
The rise of Gulf Keystone Petroleum
A takeover rumour in late July, then news on the arrival of a drill rig and commencement of drilling operation in Sheikh Adi, Kurdistan, and then further news on Jurassic Zone Testing on the Shaikan-1 Discovery Well, Gulf Keystone Petroleum’s share price catapulted from around 70 pence per share in July 2010, to 102.25 pence closed on 6 […]
Restaurant Severn – Ironbridge, Shropshi
Last weekend I was lucky enough to visit Bridgnorth in Shropshire. My best friend recommended a good restaurant to visit in Ironbridge. The restaurant, tugged away in this scenic and beautiful small town, bearing 2 x AA Rosettes and recommended by the 2009 Michelin Guide, must be worth a visit. We’ve had a good run of our luck, […]